121: Paperclip
From 1945 to 1959, the United States brought 1600 Nazi scientists to America in order to leverage their knowledge against the Soviets. Many were unrepentant war criminals who had played active roles in the slave trade and the Holocaust almost all were given American citizenship and died peacefully as free men. How did this secret Nazi rescue program impact our modern world? How did the American government whitewash its role? (Hint: it’s anti-Communism)
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Sources and Further Reading
Annie Jacobsen, "Operation Paperclip": Link
Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990: Link
U.S. coverup of Nazi scientists: Link
Alsos, Samuel A. Goudsmit: Link
Fighting Justice at Dachau: U.S. War Crimes Trial Policies and Cold War Politics in the Concentration Camp Trial of 'Nordhausen-Dora', 1947: Link
United States Army Investigation and Trial Records of War Criminals United Stales of America r. Kurt Andrae et al. (and Related Cases) April 27, 1945-June 11, 1958: Link
Remembering the Space Age, Chapter 5: Creating a Memory of the German Rocket Program for the Cold War: Link
Dr. Theodor H. Benzinger, 94, Inventor of the Ear Thermometer: Link
A Scientist's Nazi-Era Past Haunts Prestigious Space Prize: Link
How 2 Pro-Nazi Nobelists Attacked Einstein’s "Jewish Science" [Excerpt]: Link
Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee (CIOS) Reports, 1944 - 1945: Link
Wernher von Braun, the SS, and Concentration Camp Labor: Questions of Moral, Political, and Criminal Responsibility: Link
Thalidomide’s Secret Past: The Link with Nazi Germany: Link